Is Chiropractic right for my child?

Is Chiropractic right for my child?

Supporting Your Child's Growth & Development

Chiropractic is safe for childrenFrom the time they are born, children experience mini-traumas that strain their small spines. For example, think of all the times a child will fall when learning to walk or the strain placed on his/her back, neck and shoulders when carrying a heavy back pack to school.

These daily bumps and bruises may not seem like much, but the accumulation of strain on a child’s spine can impair his/her proper growth and development.

Regular chiropractic check-ups support a child’s overall health by identifying and correcting spinal issues holistically, without the needs of drugs.

Chiropractic Care for Children: Safe & Effective

Dr. Ng performs chiropractic adjustment on kidsRecently, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association published the preliminary results of their study on the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care for children. In addition to suggesting that chiropractic care for children is both safe and effective, parents also reported the following benefits:

  • Improved sleeping
  • Improved behaviour and attitude
  • Improved immune system function

If you would like to know more about how chiropractic can support your child's growth, talk to a chiropractor today.

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